Uniform Complaint Procedures
The San Diego County superintendent of schools has the primary responsibility for compliance with federal and state laws and regulations. We have established Uniform Complaint Procedures to address allegations of unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying, and complaints alleging violation of state or federal laws governing educational programs, the charging of unlawful pupil fees and the non-compliance of our Local Control and Accountability Plan.
- Administrative Regulation 1312.3, Uniform Complaint Procedures (PDF)
- SDCOE Annual Notification of Uniform Complaint Procedures - English/Spanish (PDF)
- Uniform Complaint Form (PDF)
- Rights of Children in Foster Care (PDF)
- Rights of Children Experiencing Homelessness (PDF)
Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures
- Administrative Regulation 1312.4, Williams Uniform Compliant Procedures (PDF)
- Williams Uniform Complaint Notice—English and Spanish (PDF)
- Williams Uniform Complaint Form—English (PDF)
- Formulario Para el Proceso Uniforme Para la Presentación de Quejas Williams (PDF)
U.S. Department of Education - Office for Civil Rights
Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education Bldg.
400 Maryland Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20202-1100
Phone: 800-421-3481
Fax: 202-453-6012
TDD: 800-877-8339
Email: OCR@ed.gov
main contacts
Josue Diaz Jr.
Uniform Complaint Officer for Adults
Tracy Schmidt
Uniform Complaint Officer for Students